Collaboration systems for a sustainable future: methodologies and practical examples

On October 6th 2022, we had the opportunity to meet online to talk about the importance of collaboration in creating and developing sustainable projects. Why this event. Recent events related to Covid have brought us together, during the harsh phase of emergency and confinement. But the ensuing crisisthat has been exacerbated by the ongoing wars in corso has seen a re-emergence of individual needs, fears, and identity crises that have

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What happens when we choose to engage in a Transformation process: all steps from Awareness to Decision.

Did you ever ask yourself what’s pushing us toward transformation? It’s a question I have been asking myself several times as it is part of my job to listen to entrepreneurs in transition and to help them in their process of change. As a result of the exchanges with my employers and clients during the years I have come to elaborating a model that explains how we get to take

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