Legal Notice & Privacy Policy


This website is a property of ANGELINI Laura, founder of TheSlowCorner, conducting her activity of Consultant, Trainer / Teacher and Coach as a freelance at Business Diamonds, enrolled with the no. 849 409 313, and whose legal seat is situated at 99 AVENUE Achille Peretti, 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine, France.


DominiOK di Laura De Luca, Via Marche 32 – 80145 Napoli, Italia – Tél. : +39.081.0099600 – Mail: – P.Iva: 06596351210 – REA: NA-870756


TheSlowCorner & Sylbohec | Sylvie TINSEAU – – Main seat in 6 résidence les quinconces 91190 Gif sur Yvette – France

Personal Information

Please view the page “Privacy Policy”.

Intellectual Property

Pursuant to the French Intellectual Property Code (Article L. 122-4), any total or partial representation or reproduction without the consent of the authors or their assignees is illegal and punishable under the laws on counterfeiting. The same applies to translation, modification or reproduction by any means or process. The logos of TheSlowCorner and its partners that appear on the site are registered trademarks (semi-figurative or otherwise). Any total or partial reproduction of these logos, without the express authorisation of TheSlowCorner, is therefore prohibited, in accordance with Article L. 122-4 of the French Intellectual Property Law.

General Information

TheSlowCorner makes every effort to provide users with available and verified information and/or tools, but cannot be held responsible for any errors, unavailability of information and/or the presence of viruses on its website.

TheSlowCorner will endeavour to make the website accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, but can under no circumstances be held responsible for the website being inaccessible. Users are informed that when they visit the website, a cookie may be automatically installed on their browser. A cookie “is a set of information, usually small and identified by a name, which may be transmitted to your browser by a website to which you link” (source CNIL). As the cookie indirectly collects personal information about the user, the user also has the right to consult, revoke and modify this information. The texts, animated or still images, know-how, drawings, graphics and any other element comprising the website are the exclusive property of TheSlowCorner, in accordance with the French law of 11 March 1957.

TheSlowCorner invites users of the site to report any omissions, errors or corrections by sending an e-mail to the following address:

Cookies and statistics


If you do not want the websites you visit to track your behaviour and offer you behavioural advertising, you can choose to configure your browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, etc.) to refuse cookies. Note, however, that if you disable cookies completely, your login data (username/password) will no longer be saved on any website, not even your favourites. Therefore, be sure to read the options offered by your browser so that you can manage cookies in an informed manner.

However, TheSlowCorner employs the WP Statistics plugin, which does not store any cookies on visitors’ browsers.

Read more about the recommendations of CNIL, on their cookies dedicated webpage.


The plugin WP Statistics is compliant with RGPD. It does not collect personal data
Even in its previous versions, WP Statistics did not collect personal data and did not memorize users-related information. You should be aware that, once installed and activated on your website, WP Statistics does not collect, store or send any personal data about visitors to your site.