Sustainability as a mindset: how to think sustainably in your life and in your business

There are business ideas that come to life within a week, others that take years to be developed. In my case, it was 2019 when I started to conceive what later became my consulting and training business. After more than 10 years spent in project management within major companies, I felt the need to assess my career path. Studying for my second master’s degree (in Management and Marketing) within a

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Positive Impact: how to recognise and measure it

Can we generate a positive impact through our activities and projects? How can we measure this impact? And who are the actors who will profit from this? We hear about it on a regular basis and as an expression it can be misused: unfortunately, there are many companies that misinterpret its meaning, misleading (sometimes unintentionally) both the public and their stakeholders. On the other hand, adhering to the canons of

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Business Social Responsibility and Marketing: a marriage that may lead to ambiguities

Is it enough for a company to provide a Corporate Social Responsibility policy in order to be defined as sustainable? Which role has Marketing in the conception of a sustainable business? How can communication strategy affect the reception by the public of any information regarding a company’s sustainability? These are all questions that any person in business as well as any client or customer should ask in order to become

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What happens when we choose to engage in a Transformation process: all steps from Awareness to Decision.

Did you ever ask yourself what’s pushing us toward transformation? It’s a question I have been asking myself several times as it is part of my job to listen to entrepreneurs in transition and to help them in their process of change. As a result of the exchanges with my employers and clients during the years I have come to elaborating a model that explains how we get to take

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