How to communicate, responsibly.

The contents of this article refer to a conference I am holding on a regular basis and that is obtaining remarkable feedbacks from the participants. The idea is born from a series of studies and reflexions that I have been developing around the subject of communication in 2023. As we all know, the context surrounding business is changing quickly from all points of view : we are living in a

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Why measuring ethics in a company and how to do it

“When people know that their behaviour is being observed, measured, recorded, and published, they change that behaviour to meet the expectations, whether those expectations are expressed or implied.” (1) In The triple bottom line Savitz gives one of the most effective and synthetic description on the reasons for measuring and reporting progresses on TBL (Triple Bottom Line) related matters. (For more information on the Triple Bottom Line you can read

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Corporate Social Responsibility: a Virtuous Circle that Generates Value

In the introduction of “The Triple Bottom Line” (1) Andrew W. Savitz explains how it has become impossible for companies to leave sustainability out of consideration: “The only way to succeed in today’s interdependent world is to embrace sustainability. Doing so requires companies to identify a wide range of stakeholder to whom they may be accountable, develop open relationships with them, and find ways to work with them for mutual

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The Stakeholders and their relationship with your business

A company is not an autonomous and independent entity without connections or responsibilities toward society. As a matter of fact, a company is responsible for the consequences of its actions and legally bonded to pay in case they cause a damage to a third party. Nowadays, several observers are looking at the behaviors of companies and are able to exert a pressure on them or to control their actions by

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Fashion: The consequences of a non-sustainable business model on the value chain

The growing delocalisation of production during the last 20 years has had several consequences on the value chain in the fashion field. It is to be noted that the textile and fashion industry is characterized by a long and complex supply chain in comparison to other fields. The production of the fibres used for textiles starts from an agricultural and petrochemical production, followed by transformation, manufacturing, logistics and retail. When

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